Once a property has been vacated of bad tenants, squatters or even drug
manufacturers, the property owner can be faced with anything from a drug
processing laboratory to a building full of human feces, hypodermic needles
or food waste. Phoenix Cleaning Company can draw upon years of
experience to remove such items from the property in a swift,  safe and
discreet manner.
Phoenix Cleaning Company offers  needle sweeps to all types of properties
from a housing association rented bungalow to a yard at the rear of a shop.
We offer needle sweep and disposal service for syringes, needles, sharps,
scalpels, razor blades and many other kinds of  medical waste.
All sharps removed from site are transported in a medical waste sharps bin
and incinerated at a local authority licensed waste site.
Once the property has been cleared of hazardous items such as needles, bodily
fluids and feces, the task of cleaning the property can begin.
Phoenix Cleaning Company uses the most advanced chemicals and equipment to
deep clean, sanitise and deodorise the property to allow trades people safe access to
all areas of building.
Phoenix Cleaning Company offer complete hoarder clean up, rubbish removal
and decontamination of the affected property. Hoarding causes significant
accumulation of  waste and impairment to basic living standards.  Mobility,
cooking, cleaning, bathing, and sleeping, almost become impossible from the
vast amounts of clutter. Hoarding attracts vermin due to the fact a basic level
of cleanliness becomes impossible. Hoarders may also develop respiratory
problems from high levels of dust particles within the clutter. Compulsive
hoarding causes major structure damage to the property and may require
extensive restoration. Phoenix Cleaning Company can work with the clients to
help restore the premises to its former state
This service is offered to local authorities, housing associations and private
Not all tenants leave properties as they found them and many unoccupied
buildings fall prey to squatters. Rubbish, human waste and used needles are
just some of the risks associated with cleaning a property in this state.
Phoenix Cleaning Company has established itself as the leading void  
cleaning provider. All works Phoenix Cleaning Company undertake will
receive before and after images.

You can contact us by calling: 07961915018
Email us at:
or through our contact us page